Media Mailings
Media Mailings is your partner in data. From our offices we overlook the canals and old city centre of Haarlem. Here is where we build, optimize and manage databases on a daily basis. With a team of marketing experts and data analysts we are dedicated to transfer data from knowledge into conversions.
We work fast, we work adequate and we work with a smile. Just because we love what we do and are great at it.

and counting
New leads
per week
open rate
Years of
If you want to sell your product or service via e-mail marketing, we are here to help! We have millions of members waiting for your campaigns. Our databases are build with members from our in-house online entertainment networks. Currently we are active in 32 countries with our own databases. Our databases belong amongst the top converting bases in the market. Due to our premium database hygiene we manage to get the highest open and click rates in the market.
E-mail Marketing is more than just sending out a message to your database. It’s always a 2-way street. Keeping our database members happy is just as important as keeping our advertisers satisfied. The happier this triptych is, the more prosperous the future will be.
By generating our own data we create high converting databases. Continuous testing make us know everything about the needs and interests of our members. This allows us to make specific segments based on individual behavior. This way we achieve the highest conversions possible. Of course, all our e-mail marketing activities are compliant with all local laws and regulations.
If you want to learn more about our e-mail marketing. Please don’t hesitate to
We help you build, expand or improve the quality of your database members. Via our in-house network we can deliver up to 75.000 fresh and opt-in leads. By working with local teams, we understand the culture of each country we are active.
We offer the following options to generate high quality leads:
Full service lead generation
We start with an intake process to get to know your specific needs. From there on we will develop a contact strategy and create a custom build lead generation campaign. From target audience selection to the design of the templates and landing pages. If you have your own tracking software we will create the connection with your platform. If you don’t have a tracking platform yet, we will help you with the set-up. When we have launched the campaign we track all the results and optimize where needed.
Sponsor Leads
By adding your company as a sponsor of our network we will generate high quality opt-in leads for you. On weekly basis we can generate up to 75.000 leads. Buying sponsor leads is the best way to quickly grow your database. Sponsor leads are a perfect solution for high volume and a short ROI-period.
Display Advertising
In the members area of our networks we offer several slots for display advertising. Contact us for details.
Making databases convert is our passion. Do you have your own e-mail database and do you want a team of experts to monetize it? We offer a full service monetization program. We have all the knowledgde to convert every database. Do you need an extra boost of knowledge for making your own data convert better or do you desire extra reach for your sales campaign?
We have several options to assist you:
Database monetization
If you have an opt-in database, which you aren’t using to it’s full potential. We are here to help you. We can take care of your database. We will clean, segmentate and manage your database for you. With frequent send and revenue reports we will keep you updated on the revenue earned and quality of your lists.
With over 20 years of experience in building databases and member loyalty programs we offer our knowledge and experience to make your database work for you. We teach you all the tricks and parameters you should pay attention to. Getting to know your database and learn how to interpret the behavior of your members is essential for making your data convert.
List rental
Do you need a one time impulse of data for your sales promotion or do you want to enrich your own database? By giving you a right of use for our databases, you can have instantly a larger target group for your sales promotions.
All our database management solutions are GDPR compliant.
Want to know more?
Danzigerkade 15 C5
1013 AP, Amsterdam
The Netherlands
© Media Mailings 2020-2024